Our Story
Our consultation practice first began in Malaysia in 1967 under Kuttner Collins & Partners, an Australian Firm of Consulting Engineers. In late 1972, this practice was restructured with a complete local resident participation.
In 1975, the firm was reconstituted into a completely Malaysian owned and managed, limited liability company called Juaraconsult Sdn Bhd, with offices in Kuala Lumpur and Penang, as well as affiliated offices in Melbourne and Sydney. It is also associated with various overseas consultants and other specialists. Juaraconsult Sdn Bhd is thus capable of undertaking work of a varied nature in conjunction with other overseas specialists.
In September 1988, the Penang office of Juaraconsult Sdn Bhd was restructured with the intake of Senior Incumbents in the Penang Office as Shareholders and Directors, into a Limited Liability company with its present name JPR Sdn Bhd. This firm in Penang is closely affiliated with Juaraconsult Sdn Bhd.
The directors have all held senior positions in design and construction at technical and administrative levels in Malaysia and are all ably backed by competent professional and technical staff and other necessary skills.
Since our inception, we have played an active role in various types of buildings including office buildings, industrial facilities, restaurants, hotel complexes, governmental projects, educational institution and multi-family housing projects.